Thursday, September 18, 2008

Is Robbie Robbins the Worst Letterer in Comics?

Ok. So I swing by the local shop yesterday to pick up the week's haul. I buy almost no monthly comics. You know, the floppies. I prefer collected editions, and the name of this blog itself is a pretty clear indication of that. But Star Trek comics are a rare exception. I have them all, going back to the Gold Key days. And what's more, I have read them all.

That's right. They don't just go into a mylar sleeve to be stored away for some fabled golden-age retirement, or post-apocolyptic reading orgy. I read them all, usually the day I buy them.

So I am plowing through issue 5 of Star Trek: Assignment Earth last night and discover no fewer than 5 glaring typos throughout this 22 page comic.

page 8, "leaver" which should just be "leave",
page 12 "must have has" which should be "must have had",
page 18 "adjustment" should be plural,
page 18 (SAME WORD BALOON, must be some kind of record) "Richard Nixon on" should be "Richard Nixon and"
page 19 "I not longer" should read "I no longer".

Now I am not some grammar guru, but these are just jarring, and obvious to anyone who bothers reading the proofs before they go to press. Looks to me like no one did here.

Hopefully, this will be corrected in the TPB collected edition. You can bet I'll be checking.

If this had been hand lettered, no way this would have happened. But when you depend on a wordprocessor to do your job for you, and you don't proofread, this is what you get.

For four bucks I deserve better, and so do you.

1 comment:

The Irredeemable Shag said...

I'm behind on reading Star Trek: Assignment Earth, but I am picking them up. Since the lettering on this is computer generated, I have absolutely no tolerance for mistakes like this. The fact is this is a printed medium. There should be qualified editors catching things like this.

That's disappointing. Bad editing can completely take you out of a story.

The Irredeemable Shag